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Home > Varilight Switches & Sockets

Varilight Switches & Sockets

Varilight Light Switches & Sockets, an exceptional range of quality products providing value for money.  All Varilight Light Switches & Electrical Sockets conform to the latest EU Legislation & come with a 1 year guarantee. Available in a multitude of colours, finishes & plates, all Switches & Sockets feature Double Pole (DP) wire isolation. 

Doyle & Tratt Products Ltd, have been manufacturing the Varilight Brand of Light Switches and Sockets since 1972.  This British company's outstanding technological advances have been recognised, and in 2005, Doyle & Tratt received the Queen's Award for Enterprise Continuous Innovation and Development. 

We are very pleased to announce we have been awarded the Varilight Gold Standard Award due to offering the full Varilight range and high levels of customer service! For Varilight enquiries email sales@theinternetelectricalstore.com

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